Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Peak Oil and Church

I am observing a new trend in peak oil. Peak oil goes to church! I wouldn’t be surprised if soon a new religion or something like that is created.

Why do I think so? Well, look at this then.

1. A nice article “Coming Down from the Peak”, dated February 13, 2005, by Dr. Phil Cook, available at
The origin? Courtesy of Peace Church Sermons, United Church of Christ.
2. Peak Oil Mini Conference on July 9, 2005. First Unitarian Universalist Church,

3. On July 16, 2005 the United Methodist Church of Venice hosted a gathering under the sponsorship of the Post Carbon Institute dealing with the end of civilization as we know it. It is covered at

4. On September 25, 2005. “Peak Oil-What it means to you” by Wayne Jennings, Ph.D.
Here is the description of the gathering

“We will discuss Hubbert’s Peak and the impending decline of oil production. What will the end of the age of cheap oil mean for our society? What are the moral implications of the use by the U.S. of one quarter of the world’s oil resources?”
First Unitarian Church of Cleveland

5. Falls Church News-Press, serving the city of falls church and northern Virginia, covers peak oil in its September 29-October 5, 2005 issue, entitled “The peak oil crisis: congressman Barlett’s conference” see at

And in its July 14 - July 20, 2005 issue “The Peak Oil Crisis: Rationing”

Now look what Ruppert says at about these two pieces

“Now we see the Falls Church News-Press (a very influential local newspaper from an affluent Washington, DC suburb) do some very hard-edged reporting on Peak Oil issues. This is the second time FTW has reprinted a News-Press story in a month. This is a local paper for the spot where the senior policy makers, intelligence officials and many high-ranking military personnel live and raise their families. They want a local paper that prepares them and that's what they've got. They get "authentic journalism" of sorts.”

6. And where the First Peak Oil Conference in New York City on October 5, 2005 with the title “PETROCOLLAPSE - Social isolation or solidarity” takes place? At the Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist. Who is organizer? Jan Lundberg. More info:
And see what famous postcarbon institute to say about that
“EONSNOW is not so much a group yet, but there are some folks who have managed to come in and see each movie and take part in the discussion. I use my church to do the showings, and the showings still attract predominantly folks from the church. Tonight though, of the 10 folks who did show up, 5 of them were new, though two of them are somewhat new at the church, still I made their acquaintance proper just this evening”

7. Not finished. Here is a bomb:

“By now I thought all Christians could agree that the need for an energy policy on the use of natural resources was a matter of Christian stewardship.”

Who says that? Dr. Bruce Prescott. Host of "Religious Talk" on KREF radio (1400 am) at 11:00 each Sunday Morning, Executive Director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists, President of the Oklahoma Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State

Dr. Bruce Prescott's 7/10/05 Religious Talk radio interview of Oklahoma City Petroleum Geologist Bob Stephenson. Stephenson talks about "Peak Oil," the escalating price of gasoline, the impact of China on demand for oil, and the critical need for our country to develop an energy policy (openly, not secretly) that will reduce our dependence on oil.

8. Another one:

Look at what is said at

“The Portland Peak Oil Group describes itself as "a grassroots group of concerned local citizens" and seems quite awesome. From its humble beginnings of a few people meeting in a pizza joint over a year ago, it has grown to a more mature state and now organize meetings every Wednesday in the dining hall of St. Francis Church in Portland. “

9. Here is another one: The Four Quarters is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a Church, Monastery and Spiritual Retreat. Its web site has a category “peak oil” in its weekly reader section.

10. Last but not least,
Pasadena Post Carbon Presents “Peak Oil: Imposed by Nature”
Special guest: Jamey Hecht, Phd, Assistant Managing Editor of From the Wilderness”
Where? Throop Memorial Church

Following questions come to my mind:
Why at church?
Was there any connection with peak oil and church that I oversaw?
Shall we call soon Peak Oilism?


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